Five common Generics use-cases in Swift
Here are five common examples of using generics in Swift:
1. Array Sorting: The `sort` function in Swift’s standard library uses generics to allow sorting of arrays containing elements of any comparable type.
func sort<T: Comparable>(_ array: inout [T]) {
var numbers = [4, 2, 1, 3]
print(numbers) // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4]
2. Stack Data Structure: Generics can be used to create a generic stack data structure that can store elements of any type.
struct Stack<T> {
private var elements = [T]()
mutating func push(_ element: T) {
mutating func pop() -> T? {
return elements.popLast()
var stack = Stack<Int>()
print(stack.pop()) // Output: Optional(3)
3. Optional Unwrapping: Generics can simplify optional unwrapping by providing a generic function that safely unwraps an optional value or returns a default value.
func unwrap<T>(_ optional: T?, default defaultValue: T) -> T {
return optional ?? defaultValue
let name: String? = “John”
let unwrappedName = unwrap(name, default: “Unknown”)
print(unwrappedName) // Output: “John”
4. Dictionary with Default Value: Generics can be used to create a dictionary that returns a default value when accessing a key that doesn’t exist.
struct DefaultDictionary<Key: Hashable, Value> {
private var dictionary = [Key: Value]()
private let defaultValue: Value
init(defaultValue: Value) {
self.defaultValue = defaultValue
subscript(key: Key) -> Value {
get {
return dictionary[key] ?? defaultValue
set {
dictionary[key] = newValue
var scores = DefaultDictionary<Int, Int>(defaultValue: 0)
scores[1] = 10
print(scores[1]) // Output: 10
print(scores[2]) // Output: 0 (default value)
5. Custom Equatable: Generics can be used to create a generic function that checks if two values of any type are equal using the `Equatable` protocol.
func areEqual<T: Equatable>(_ a: T, _ b: T) -> Bool {
return a == b
let a = 5
let b = 5
print(areEqual(a, b)) // Output: true
These examples showcase the versatility and power of generics in Swift, allowing you to write reusable and type-safe code for various scenarios.
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